

Quadira 2024: 25 years Quadira

It’s been a quarter of a century since I had the idea to start my own company. After completing my higher professional education (HBO) and gaining five years of work experience, I felt ready to take this step. My expertise was in the field of Output Management, and I understood the market and the needs of companies better than anyone.

It was clear that I wanted to do something with Output Management software: a tool that would allow companies to create, modify, and send their documents themselves. A business partner in Belgium was selling software in this area, and I saw an opportunity to serve the Dutch market.

Thus, Quadira was born on July 23, 1999. In the early years, my Belgian business partner and I sold a software package from Germany. After a few successful years, Quadira had grown to the point where we could take the next step: developing our own package based on our experiences. This led to the creation of QE-Paper, a modern package with an extensive graphical designer that met market demands. Companies wanted to be able to make adjustments easily themselves.

Unfortunately, the engine behind QE-Paper proved too slow, so we had to make another choice and opted for an existing package again, choosing LaserNet. With this, we became a well-known name in the Output Management market, not just in the Netherlands but also beyond. However, we soon encountered limitations with this as well and decided to develop our own package. With our market knowledge, countless installations, and experience, we created Advanced-Forms®. The only difference was that we now used our own developers.

In the past 25 years, we have grown from a modest attic room to a building of no less than 1500 square meters. Our journey began with knowledge of ERP systems on AS/400, but we have evolved into experts in Microsoft Dynamics, SAP, and many other systems. Quadira is now a well-established name in the market.

What sets us apart is that we write our own software and customize it to the specific needs of our customers. This keeps us ahead of the curve and allows us to serve our customers perfectly.

And we’re not done yet! This year we are introducing Advanced-Forms® Next, a powerful tool that not only supports the latest technologies but also enables our customers to grow effortlessly with our software. Whether you are a small or large company, prefer to do a lot yourself, or leave everything to us, Advanced-Forms Next offers flexibility and ease of use.

Our offerings are expanding to SAAS, PAAS, private hosted, and on-premises solutions, so we can provide you with everything you need. Additionally, we will be able to support and integrate even more systems easily in the future.

A quote from one of our partners always stays with me: “The only limitation of Advanced-Forms® is your own creativity.”

Let’s look forward to many more years of innovation and success together!

Hajo Kanters

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