
AddFieldsToReport & AddLabels


Add fields and Labels to Business Central

When designing your report, in most cases you find out that you are missing a certain field in the dataset? Now you can add the field to the dataset in Business Central and NAV in less than 2 minutes and place the field on the layout of the document. Normal development time by a developer in Business Central is hours per field.
Take control. Stop depending on developers for adding fields to a report, high costs, long turnaround times and be flexible by using the AddFieldsToReport functionality of Advanced-Forms® for Business Central.


  • Add fields to dataset
  • Immediately use the new fields in the design
  • Create (language-dependent) label files
  • Save on development costs
  • Do it yourself
  • Be flexible
  • Short lead times


Advanced-Forms® for Business Central
Advanced-Forms® for NAV

About the solution

With the latest version of the connectors you are able to easily design, archive, and send any document you want. We make it easy for you as an end-user to distribute the document in various ways from the preview screen.

With the newest functionality “AddFieldsToReport” you are able to add any desired field to the dataset. You have access to every table available in Business Central and NAV, so you can easily add fields from various tables to a dataset and then add them to the document. And all without the help of a developer …. Take control!
